At every Club Brugge game during the 2012-2013 football season, Blue Army goes looking for that one supporter that deserves a place in the spotlights.
- Competition: Europa League
- Match: Club Brugge – Newcastle
- Date: 08 November 2012
- Name: Mrs. Krista Weiker
- Age: 41
- Living in: Herzele [Oost-Vlaanderen]
Krista, what is your greatest Club Brugge memory?
It’s not easy to pick just one.. The first thing that comes to mind is the final game of last season. After the game, the players came to greet us and I got Tom Högli’s shirt! Of course, there was also our last won title, against Anderlecht. A very beautiful moment of course, but I also can’t ignore the passing of François Sterchele.. The farewell and the tribute paid to him by Club and our supporters is something I will never forget. I am very proud to have a picture of my son with Cois!
Do you have a favourite player on the team?
Jonathan Blondel and Carl Hoefkens of course. Or when I go back in time, I have to mention Jan ‘Caje’ Ceulemans. The players with the typical Club Bruges spirit and mentality. It’s really nice that Ceulemans is coming over tonight to greet the supporters!
What does Club Brugge mean to you?
So much… I’ve been supporting this team since I was 12. When I had a difficult time as a kid, I would write letters to the players. It was awesome to for example get a picture sent to me as a reply. Club has always been a big support to me and I also recognize myself in the Black and Blue’s spirit of never giving up. Coming to see Club play is something I really enjoy.
This interview was taken on behalf of and published on the website of Blue Army.
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