‘The Journer’ was born in 2014. Yes, ‘journer’, a new word I personally invented. Because (I think) I have that power! Surely, you get the link with words like ‘a journal’ and ‘a journey’ or the French word ‘le journal’ or the Dutch word ‘het journaal’. ‘A journer’ would be a person though. Someone who writes a journal about his journeys. Ok, basically someone who has a blog, that’s also a way to see it. But I hope it will be more than that. Columns with my opinion, a subject I find interesting to debate on, an interview, a story about an experience, an evaluation of a visit. In my opinion all of that is more than just a blog and the kind of thing I want to be working on. Right here, right now. On thejourner.be.

Thanks to Stijn who designed the logo, to Bert from dbSolutions for the hosting of the site, to Jasper (Get-ID.nl) for setting up the website and to everyone who supports me for this and other projects of mine.
